This schedule works and includes no decisions at the time nor anything left to chance to see if it fits in.  Everything is inserted in it before it can be pushed out of the way.

Super powerful

Bed by 10 (or earlier, best would be 9 pm)
Full night's sleep (Period!  Required!), & a fixed time for awakening each day
Power day launch (Varies per needs) - Higher amount of time initially(3), then down to
   10 minutes to 120 seconds
Exercise no matter what(1) (Must go in first, as later it gets bumped.) - Most
   efficiently, with home equipment(2); always 30 minutes or more
Super thinking/learning productive hours first: planning the day first (all decisions for
   the day's time allocation are made!), the life learning that takes    
   thinking/learning/repair and figuring out and implementing things asap
Super productivity hours for "out there" (work, service work, non-internal) - Most
   important 3 tasks first

Regular part of day

Regular tasks and demands, some interruptions allowed (but few!)
End of day, at least a brief to do list of major items for the next day with approx. time of day 


Nap for renewed energy in afternoon
All other breaks are for super brief "nap", energizing, never longer than 10 minutes.
No long breaks at all, unless lunch requires it, until the end of the "work day". 

Evening: Relaxation, social, relationship
Reading for information and learning (flexible and optional)
Setting up everything so it is all ready and requires no time use in golden hours.
Journaling(4) on what went well and what didn't and what to do about it (2-10 minutes)

Saturday:  Set aside time until 12 pm for a supervaluable that takes focus!

The cardinal rules:  (See also The Super Rules Of Life.)

    Make the machine powerful (develop your life skills to a peak)
    Habits, routines, procedures, systems set up and corrected asap!
    Problems corrected asap.
    Never do anything that will not end up with a harvested result. 


(1) No matter how you feel, you just do it, even if you have to do it at less of a pace and make it comfortable.  Never let it be at the mercy of your time later in the day!
(2) No successful person would not invest in saving travel and preparation time by having locational-advantaged home equipment.  Making Exercise Easy.
(3) Initially there may be alot of reprograming that must be done in order to have a very stable and powerful launch of the day. 
(4) This can be simple listing, or even key words, but all key items must be described and thought out in the next day's thinking/learning/repair time.  Emotional repairs must not be left undone - they are always to be handled asap or have a plan set up to handle it expeditiously until it is "sufficiently" corrected and replaced.  Note the super-journal: The Life Improvement Journal.

This fits with circadian and ultardian rhythms and all the laws of productivity. 

"Structure" is a super productivity principle that MUST be followed for greater success.

The successful people "think ahead", figure things out, design better ways to do things, learn how things work and how to work them, always doing what is most important first.

Corollary pieces

Set aside full days for Rejuvenation Days.

Special, focused planning and thinking days:  The Schedule/Calendar For All Planning 

No super successful person is such without becoming an expert in Life Value Productivity, which is different than what it takes for more limited or one area success. No person can be successful without knowing the relative value of all things, for "value" is what life is about!

The Pre-Set Super-Committed Schedule For The Day, For An Always Powerful Day! Not Optional