(Internal note for now: Excerpted from NotesOrganized61015, word)

This was developed to have a "student of life" gain perspective at a deeper level on what is important in life! 


90-99%:  My emotional well-being, which is under my control if I do my learning, is 90-99% of all possible value.  (My physical well-being is virtually inseparable from my emotional well-being)
2-5%  My key relationship is 2-5% of it all.
1%     Family is next      
1%     All else.                     

Since this idea could be resisted or dismissed, we will do, right after the next comment, a percentage analysis of the "out there" pieces and their value in total.

[My emotional well-being includes all aspects related to God, for clearly my purpose and desire is to be happy, having done all that is workable and good.  God is not the end objective, but a means objective that will help get me to my end objective of "having joy", at a higher level.  My life is not about God, but about using the principles and realities of God and the world he created to achieve that which he created us for.]


Relative value of "out there" (i.e. not including me managing my emotional well-being and my not knowing that I can be happy regardless of the circumstances and people)

70% spouse (though, as with all others, people recover from this and realize it wasn't a non-redeemable disaster of permanent conditions)
5%  Family
3% A few close friends
2%  Church - Since the church is a major core of my life, it is far more important than the things that influence my contributions.  I will always be contributing more than the minimum out there, but what I contribute is certainly not (delusionarily) my life!!!!  My church includes associates that I value, but am not truly dependent on, unless I am helpless and hopeless.
1%  Doing what's interesting, fun and beneficial as an activity
1%  Those who facilitate my being able to contribute to the world (though without them I am smart enough to figure another way to contribute even more, if I lose them, which is highly unlikely to occur at a very high level)  Note that that is all of the people combined, any one of them would be less than 1/10 of the total. 


The most significant "effector" of my life and relative % of total life quality is:

90-99% Learning how things work, how to work them, and then implementing those.
5% Appreciating that which I have
3% Creating good memories (I will be free of the falsehoods of dependence on praise, though it is always nice to all human beings.)
1%  Creating pleasant experiences (which I have the ability to choose and have if I just sit down and think about it, taking some time.)

Note that people, if they fail to really understand and think about this, tend to always want "more".  This means they are stuck on a treadmill, in a somewhat similar case to the carrot dangling in front of the mule, never getting there but believing they will.  So, they waste their lives because they want "more" and they end up getting a lot less, as being "short" of what you want or expect is what helps produce the unhappiness gap.


Read it.

Consider it.

Do some more learning in the area.

Do your homework (seeing the relevant pages on the site) on what are highly valuable activities and what are low value activities.  (Look at the sidebar and read the pieces.  Especially note The Master Hierarchy.)

Decide to not allow ANY low value activities in life.

Assure the high value activities are engaged in by scheduling and aggressively protecting the time to do the highest value activities.  (This includes cutting back my schedule so that it does not interfere with those.  This includes consciously saying "I realize I am losing some lower value activities but I also see that I need not hold onto those as if I were starving and needed to even eat moldy peanuts, for I live in an abundant world of many good choices, more than I have time for, so I'll never be short in life in that regard…

Read this piece plus my own highest value activities list, or a revised perspective piece that is shorter and fits daily [but read the complete thing at least every week, as part of your weekly checklist]. 

Read a "statement" (a bit like an affirmation) where you say something like the realization and moldy peanuts statement above.  This coulld seem frivolous and too ridiculous for such a high powered or sophisticated person as you, but it is necessary if one is to fully install this into your life!

Have it, and the related pieces, behind a tab in my Re-Minders Notebook or a similar function device.