(In process, but useful content...)
A problem with the IQ test is that it will undermeasure those people who are in a cultural group that has low ambition or achievement and/or a tendency to have little motivation to learn. Their actual raw intelligence will be higher than the measure from the test.
IQ reliably predicts academic success, but not much else.
What does predict success in life is "prudence and forethought, willpower, perseverance, and the desire to excel." Later as adults, those from group A tended to rate higher than those from group C on three key traits: goal-orientation, self-confidence, and perseverance.
This suggests that while IQ can play a role in life success, personality traits are also important factors in determining outcomes. High IQ alone is no guarantee of success in work or other areas of life.
Variables such as family background, socioeconomic status, and educational experiences as well as personality factors including motivation, willingness to work hard, being committed to goals, creativity and emotional maturity are also strongly linked to success in life.
An IQ score correlates with success but doesn’t dictate, and is a poor “measure of the man”. Allow me to be politically incorrect for a moment to make my point: saying that IQ scores predict success is a little like saying that the color of your skin at birth predicts your future income. It’s technically true, but you can see the problems: causality is an issue, the significance of other factors is an issue, etc.
additional notes for me possibly to work in
the result is a strong statistical predictor of multiple future life outcomes – income, education level, health, even longevity.