More Detailed Levels Of Thinking
Passive thinking/reacting - Largely unconscious
Knowledge (Remembering) - Actively gaining knowledge, shallow processing, copying
Comprehension (Understanding) - Mid to deep processing, able to explain
Application - Know when or why to apply certain skills automaticaly, the ability to recognize patterns and apply to unfamiliar situations.
Analysis - Breaking information down into parts and different forms, drawing comparison [analyze, categorizse, prioritize, classify, differentiate, distinguish, identify, infer - seeing connections and drawing conclusions
Evaluation, Design ( critical thinking is necessary for the creative process to occur, because it involves accepting or rejecting ideas—a precursor to creating a new design (Anderson & Krathwohl, 2001). Distinguish essential data, core themes, form and support opinions, identify inconsistencies, bias, lack of coherence...access and relate to other knowledge
Synthesis (Creation) - Relating new and old information to develop a new idea, establish a new way of thinking or create a new product. And then predicting outcomes. Choose, combine, formulate, invent, make up, orgaize, plan...
Power thinking - Drives thinking through to get higher and better results, going past conventional thinking to "whatever it takes", including making tradeoffs, thinking in ambiguity, ultimate "what works" mentality, no weakening from fears, assures clarity and accurate assessment (& measures!)