(In process, but useful content...)

See, and do, The Life Effectiveness Quotient Questionnaire.

A problem with the IQ test is that it will undermeasure those people who are in a cultural group that has low ambition or achievement and/or a tendency to have little motivation to learn.  Their actual raw intelligence will be higher than the measure from the test. 

IQ reliably predicts academic success, but not much else.

What does predict success in life is "prudence and forethought, willpower, perseverance, and the desire to excel." Later as adults, those from group A tended to rate higher than those from group C on three key traits: goal-orientation, self-confidence, and perseverance.

This suggests that while IQ can play a role in life success, personality traits are also important factors in determining outcomes.  High IQ alone is no guarantee of success in work or other areas of life.

Variables such as family background, socioeconomic status, and educational experiences as well as personality factors including motivation, willingness to work hard, being committed to goals, creativity and emotional maturity are also strongly linked to success in life.

An IQ score correlates with success but doesn’t dictate, and is a poor “measure of the man”. Allow me to be politically incorrect for a moment to make my point: saying that IQ scores predict success is a little like saying that the color of your skin at birth predicts your future income. It’s technically true, but you can see the problems: causality is an issue, the significance of other factors is an issue, etc.

See the notes on Increasing Your IQ - What To Do.

additional notes for me possibly to work in


the result is a strong statistical predictor of multiple future life outcomes – income, education level, health, even longevity.




%  applied


Physical fitness factor


Emotional competency


Life learning sufficiency


Beliefs/philosophy ascertainment


Productivity multiplier


"Social" support factor




The ability to learn or to understand or to deal with new or trying situations :  reason.

The skilled use of reason

The ability to apply knowledge to manipulate one's environment such that one attains more of what one wants; or to think abstractly as measured by objective criteria (as tests)

IQ measures what? 

short-term memory, analytical thinking, mathematical ability and spatial recognition.

Only 2% of the population have an IQ over 128.  Half of the population have an IQ between 85 and 115. 

Some of the highest IQs among "celebrities":  

Benjamin Netanyahu   180
James Woods              180
Keith Garrick              164
Bill Gates                    160
Stephen Hawking        160
Paul Allen (Microsoft) 160
While IQ measures "intelligence", LEQ measures "applied intelligence" in terms of actual results caused in life  While IQ can be increased, the increase is limited or more slowly gained.  But LEQ is highly increasable, to the point where your life can be 10X'd in terms of value and happiness for yourself.  ("10X" equals "10 times")

LEQ is the most important and the most buildable of the "Q"s.  Anyone within the normal human intelligence range (i.e. not dysfunctional in their DNA) can develop it AND be a huge success in life.  All it takes is focus (and learning how to focus).  

An LEQ of 100 is average.  While an LEQ of 150 may seem to indicate that life would be 50% better, it can actually mean it is more than a 100++% better.  (See the math in Maximizing The "Expected Value" Of What You Do In Life.)

One of the biggest pieces of this is knowing how things work and how to work them, which absolutely require that you know how the brain works and how emotions work (and how beliefs affect emotions) - if you don't learn and understand these you are shooting in the dark!!!  You must develop "emotional competency" in life so that, rather than be "at the effect" of emotions, you will be "at cause in the matter" over your life!

The biggest, and absolutely essential, facilitator of life successs is a solid foundation of emotional competency!!! 

Therefore, I would suggest that you develop that ASAP.  Yes, it will take some hours and effort on your part, but the payoff will be bigger than anything else you can do in life.


I suggest you also read the discussion of IQ in The Intelligences.

Some worthwhile tidbits:

"For an individual, it (intelligence) is a weak indication."  Such individuals tend to be more likely than the average to be successful, but any one individual's success has only a weak causal correlation.  So, it's good to have a higher IQ, but it is not determinative.  Other factors are together highly determinative...

If a high IQ (say 140) person applies his intelligence 40% to learning how to create a great life (or any result) and a normal IQ (say 110) person has a growth mindset and applies 80%, their calculated applied intelligences would be 56 and 88 respectively - and the latter would lead a better life.
See also Stephen Covey's Personal Effectiveness Quotient, relating to how you' have applied the suggestions in his epic book.

"Beliefs intelligence"

The Mindsets That Determine Your Life - Change These And You Can Propel Life Forward...More Enjoyably!

The intelligences

See The Intelligences - Developing And Using These Make A Huge Difference! (Duh!) - It is not just IQ that determines life success. In fact there are two key other "Q"s that are the biggest causes.

Increasing Your IQ - What To Do

Emotional intelligence - biggest!

The biggest predictor of success is emotional intelligence.

Intelligence is important for career success, it’s a matter of how you are smart. Interpersonal competence, self-awareness and social awareness — all elements of emotional intelligence — are better predictors of who will succeed and who won’t.

A recent study, published in the Journal of Organizational Behavior, by Ernest O’Boyle Jr. at Virginia Commonwealth University, concludes that emotional intelligence is the strongest predictor of job performance.

Emotional intelligence requires empathy and self-awareness.

The primary cause of executive derailment involves deficits in emotional competence.

The final factor they identify is “knowing how,” or educational/training, and job skills. The researchers conclude that among the three factors, “knowing why” or self-awareness and meaning, were the most important set of predictors for career success.

Can you improve your emotional intelligence?

Nearly 3,000 scientific articles have been published on EQ since the concept was first introduced. These studies conclude that while EQ is mostly influenced by our early childhood experiences, it can be improved with substantial effort, guidance, and coaching.