This chiropractor, who has taken many more courses beyond college, provides some useful material, though I differ with him as to what I consider to be the "magical" parts.  If we take the magical parts as being metaphorical, then I think we can use the rest in a practical sense.  On this site you might want to read for yourself, and determine for yourself what you accept, The Elementary "Physics Of Life" - To Be Life-Successful, You Don't Have To Be A Rocket Scientist, But You Do Have To Know Very Elementary Physics. (I suggest you link from there to the overall reality reading list of written pieces connected to What Is Reality? - Know What It Is Or Suffer From Irreality and then proceed through the series.)

That, stated slightly differently, is the objective of the level of being this site is aiming to lead one to.  His definition of "being" (as a programmed automaticness of thoughts and feelings) is similar but slightly different on this site: see Being - The First Of The Be-Do-Have Sequence and then look at it as a viewpoint (point of view, viewing point), when you actively engage in this process: The Pieces And The Why Of (Re)Forming A Philosophy Of Life - The Importance Of A Great Life Philosophy.

Akin to the spiritual disciplines, he is seeking to take us away from the artificially constructed (and false) identity (or "self"), leading us to what might be called "no self".  Some disciplines, I think impractically, seem to imply that there is no "I".  But the "I" is the consciousness and "the witness", and the experiencer that is uniquely in man that allows him to construct and experience meaning beyond just survival.  (See Who I Really Am - Don't Get Confused With What You Have Or What You Believe, as I think that represents reality.)

Once you have the understanding, including taking some things as metaphorical, he takes you into Part III, which contains excellent ideas for questions you should ask (and answer and write down) and for creating a viewpoint or way of being (which you should write down for yourself, for sure!!!!  This is the key value of the book.

You absolutely, I think, should keep a notebook to write your answers to the questions - and to not leave it up to your memory!

Quantum physics and the making up of magic

Quantum physics is about the scientific observation that particles can be in two states at the same time: energy (and "waves") and matter (particles).

Those who are magical thinkers are delighted to be able to (in their minds at least) access the "quantum field" (a bunch of energy in a sense), as if it is something we can attach a spigot to and have fictional things flow, of "universal knowledge" or "energy we can grab and use. 

Read my brief piece that is related: The Universe - Is It Beneficent, Intelligent, Conscious...?.

What is a quantum leap?

1, (physics) The discontinuous change of the state of an electron in an atom or molecule from one energy level to another.
2, (metaphorical) An abrupt, extreme change.

A particle orbiting around another particle "spontaneously" without adding energy "jumps" to a higher orbit.  Note that this is not likely to happen to you.  You can, however, work create extreme change, but it must be in a number of non-instant steps taken quickly to systematically create extreme change.  Since we are not orbiting particles with net positive or negative charges, we must endure time and effort to get what we want.

However, some people put forth the idea that since we can generate electricity ("vibes") we can affect the quantum field.  Not likely! 

However, a credible person I know has seen a Hindu master create bread in his hand from nothing.  Don't hold your breath on this one, as you are unlikely to get to that level without the intense training of your mind to do telekinesis at a very high level, beyond just moving objects and bending spoons with our minds. 

For now, stick to physical "cause and effect"

See The Laws Of Cause And Effect - They Work Backwards And Forwards - in our universe there is always a causal chain occurring always taking some amount of time and "force" to create an effect.

See also "The Secret" And The Law Of Attraction - What Is Actually True And Workable?.

Epigenetics - Affecting Our DNA through our behavior and thinking

Yes, this is proven, as each thing we do or think causes a chemical reaction, and thus can, usually from alot of repetition, turn on or turn off a switch in our DNA that could do such things as cause a gene to cause a susceptibility to cancer and vice versa. 

But when we look at things from a "quantum perspective", we are getting into mystical or magical thinking.  Instead, what we are actually doing is to just look at things from a higher perspective, using facts and tying them together to create some desired effect.

You are the one responsible

The danger of magical thinking or even of leaving things up to a Higher Entity is that it will cause one to be passive, expecting somehow that someone or something else will "do it for them".  That creates a Dependency mind, a victim way of thinking, that we must avoid at all costs (as it will cost us much of our life if we don't avoid it!).

To create success in one's life, it is mandatory that one "be" 100% Responsible for one's life!!!

Key links

Dispenza writes of the brain, psychology, and philosophy, so you can link to any of the contents/links pages:

Thinking Brain

Key relevant piece

Changing Beliefs - Very Doable And Very, Very, Very Worthwhile! - Use the forms to guide you.

How To Use Intuition Wisely, And Knowing It Is Useful But "Not Always" Accurate - A key thing to know, as it intuition is often misused, incurring some harm.

Outside articles

(Subject to being "broken", so you'll have to reenter into a search engine to find the equivalent)

Six Things Everyone Should Know About Quantum Physics (Forbes)

The quantum field

In theoretical physics, quantum field theory (QFT) is the theoretical framework for constructing quantum mechanical models of subatomic particles in particle physics and quasiparticles in condensed matter physics. QFT treats particles as excited states of the underlying physical field, so these are called field quanta.
Wikipedia - This has been "usurped" by "metaphysical" interpretations that look to me like nonsense and magical, ill-based claims of how things work in real life!

Dispenza teaches the reader of his Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself to get into such a state that we can access the quantum field.  I would say "well, not exactly" as it is akin to what I write in And Then A Miracle Happens... Wanna Bet?

Although he recommends another earlier book, the book we are reviewing and commenting on is Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself: How To Lose Your Mind And Create A New One, which I had read before but dug up again.  I think my original skepticism overrode my assessment of the book, due to him using some things as if they were facts plus using some "magical thinking".  (See The Believing Brain to go deeper into that.)

Despite claims of being able to use quantum physics in our lives (see the two side bars),  he does have some good science of the brain in there - he just does a "Deepak" jump by "making up what is missing".


He states, correctly: You can "unmemorize" some stupid pattern of thought, but only by doing the same process that had the body "memorize" it in the first place - repetition of something that "writes over" the existing neuronal patterns wired in from repetition, causing a sort of "rut" to go down and a new, positive, rut (pattern) to be put in its place. 

Basically, in life, we go from being subject to fears and unfilled needs to being able to manage our lives effectively, mostly by correcting our false beliefs about the way things work and then, with the new belief in place, performing an action (thinking a thought is an action).  Once we have satisfied our survival needs (and see that we have), then we go to "higher thinking" (often called "spiritual") of things like "love" and "happiness" and such.  Once we have filled the lower tanks, we often go to "service" as it delivers some emotional connections that have us feeling good. 

See The Tiers And Stages Of Living And Being - Where Are You At And Where Are You Committed To Being?.  And the climb starts here The Program For High Psychological Health - What Works To Create Happiness.

I like this statement in the "Habit" book: 

"My definition of mastery is that our internal chemical state is greater than anything in our external world. You are a master when you've conditioned yourself with chosen thought and feelings, you've memorized desired emotional/chemical states, and nothing in your external life deters you from your aims.  No person, no thing, and no experience at any time or place should disrupt your internal chemical coherence.  You can think, act, and feel differently whenever you choose." 

How To Best Use This Website More Effectively For Better Results - See and learn "branched learning" as a strategy.

Each "article" has many links and depths that you can go to.  On the first reading, it is probably best for most people to read straight through without clicking alot of links and getting lost.