Although very human, this family has chosen to live an unduplicatable and unusual life, from which we can all learn. And each one of them is creating a living legacy for the future world.
I, from the moment I saw it on the schedule, personally looked forward to their "reality" presentation that was to be made at Mindvalley University 2019. I knew it would be super impactful, perhaps helping others to break loose of the limitations that most of us put onto ourselves.
But circumstances added an extra element as I saw Vishen Lakhiani, founder of Mindvalley, interact with them to create the outline for a totally new presentation that would possibly permit it to go viral.
That is a story I may tell elsewhere on this page, but to make a long story short, I fell in love with them all, in sequence. Later, we (Robin and I) were surprised wonderfully, when they took us on as the "adopted grandparents" of the 2 young women and their son.
Each of them has lived a unique life that they have crafted, mostly with their parents' input I'm sure. The parents are super-heroes, who helped craft the younger superheroes into extraordinary beings and who had to make super-hero type decisions to create a whole new "alternative" life. Some of those decisions I would suspect were very scary and/or challenging or whatever the adjective might be for such unique life changing decisions.
As I am writing this while at the month long University, I likely will not have gathered everything together yet, but there is more than enough here to be inspired by and to learn from.
The "kids" (two now full adults), with their parents, have lived the nomad life, traveling to over 90 countries.
The story of their experience is documented in their lifelog: Soul Expedition, which begins with the quote in the side panel. I cannot adequately convey the "trip" they've been on, so I suggest that you read it and get an experience of it.
Although all the stories on it are great, the inspiring story of Gina's life is beyond, beyond! (Click on Her story.) In the context of her story, this especially stood out to me (among many impactful parts of it): "Life’s adversity gives us a window into humanity – showing us that everyone is struggling with their own challenges and imagining their own dreams coming true. And it shows us that we should all live with a compassionate heart because only through giving to others can we live a truly triumphant and joyful life."
Kaitlin, 20, and Cassidy, 18, did the entire presentation. They were the two "girls" I had heard about who chose not to go to college but to work with refugees to improve their lives - that really peaked my interest about a week beforehand. They presented with total maturity, magnificently, vividly, and "touchingly", as this was videoed for wide distribution. There were many very positive audience responses during it, climaxing into several standing ovations - how could anyone not have been moved and inspired by what they had done and the circumstances of the refugees?!!!!?
Even Trevor, now 11, who was 8 years old while playing with the refugee children, was deeply involved with all of this (at one point being mistaken for one of the refugee children, by a refugee mother...)
I cannot adequately tell the story here, so you'll have to watch the presentation to really "get" what was involved. And definitely visit the two websites, as this is something you will want to more deeply experience and get insight into, for your own life and for the world.
There are more parts (and stories) to be told (and for me to delve into more).
As I spoke with Todd after the presentation, he related the journey (and little miracles) they had in developing "alternative" education for the children, with it even being accepted by Oxford! There is certainly a great story in there.
I think we can "mine" their experiences (and the stories behind them) in order to learn great lessons and to design what will work to create greater human beings and a better, happier world free of suffering and division.
Stay tuned. Look deeply into this yourself, for I am sure you will gain insights and be further inspired by the details of this incredible journey.