Some people leave a number of problems in life unsolved, at great cumulative cost.

All problems can be fixed.  Yes, there is some effort and maybe some initial discomfort in facing them, but that discomfort is soon replaced with a good feeling of having stood up to them and gone into action about them.

One should maintain in their Master Planning Notebook/Document, or in some referenceable place, a master list of problems and possibly one of "challenges".

From there, you would widdle the list down, using The Problem Solving Process and just following the problem solving forms provided.

I've anticipated virtually all the problems a human might have, so you can just enter the description of the item in the site's search engine (see in header under the title) and use what is provided as the basis for the solution.

It is vital that you do not allow problems and/or barriers to remain in your life, if you are to have a good life!  (Duh! Of course!)   The key underlying trait of a person Living Life As A Life Champion is that he/she has few problems because he/she has addressed them as soon as possible and solved them. 

And, as with any champion, a coach or expert trainer will be highly beneficial.  This includes hiring a coach directly, using a mentor, or special trainings that give you the ability to solve something or solve it in the process.  For instance, a person might want to jump forward in life in terms of one's beliefs and way of thinking in life by taking the week long training of The Hoffman Institute.  I've listed lots of resources, so just enter into the search engine the name of the item you want the resource for plus the term "resources".

(A person who has a great life has one, always, because of personal reflection, learning, and problem resolving time that they have taken and set aside from the rest of their life. You might want to consider doing the same, as suggested within this piece:  Life Mastery - From Self Assessment To Commitment And The Choice Of A Path.

The key problems for most people revolve around nonsense beliefs that they believe are true.  It is essential that any time you experience a negative emotion that you identify the belief underlying it, as you should not be experiencing hardly any negative emotions or stress if you have sufficiently mastered the areas of beliefs and thoughts.  As for any "problem", you can use a process and forms that will guide you.  Use The Beliefs Processes and the underlying forms on a regular basis, until you are free of "agitation" of any sort.)


Repeating from the main page on Problem Solving:

"Yes, we must fix problems as soon as they come up, but the main forwarder of life is to proactively identify the many existing problems and then solve them, asap!  Since we can't do that all at once, we put them in order of impact/importance, and handle them sequentially down the list - for real gains as we go - we don't have to wait for the benefits, as they will flood in soon.

You can go ahead and fix a problem right now, but you also must, to have a good life, develop your prioritized list of problems to solve, starting with the top 10 (you can add the others as you go, but just start here).

Then you just stick them in the appropriate problem solving form and fill in the answers.  (Orient yourself by reading The Problem Solving Process and then going to the forms listed therein.)

Neither change nor problem solving is "hard".  What is true is:

1.  As with other things, we simply need to have a good process.

2.  And life will in fact be easier when problems are solved.

3.  A proper "life perspective" makes problems small and incidental. (The problem solving process itself contributes to this, plus we guide you through the process of identifying what is small and incidental, such as in the piece Threats And Fear Differentiating As To What Is A Legitimate (Real) Threat  and the links on that page.)

If we have "problems" in our life, this is a sign that we

   Haven't done problem solving (duh!)
   We haven't done the right, complete process

So, as soon as possible begin the process that is laid out for you, using the forms that guide you.  And do the prioritized list of problems to knock off, one by one, for a problem free life!!!!"