(As of 4/17 [at a young 74, who most of his life was fairly poor at this], various old versions represent part of the trial-error-learn progression.)

(I'm not "prescribing" this, as you should always consult a diet on significant changes.  Also, this is just for "ideas" for you to use, modify, or choose not to do.)

2-3 cups of coffee (Freeze-dried), added green tea extract and 20 drops of pH distiller, part of a tsp of Stevia, one calcium antacid tablet.

No, in my studies, "treats" or "treat days" aren't necessary and don't work so well. 


In all of your learning, you should make sure what is true and adjust for what will work for you.  It is, I think obviously, useful to see what other successful people do in the areas that they are successful in.

It took me awhile and several iterations (trial and error back and forth) to arrive at this very different diet for myself AND to assure that it was a doable diet and one which took minimum (useless) time!

I think that it is imperative that each person assure that they have an excellent diet and other health routines if they are to live long "feeling good", high energy, disease-free lives.  How could anyone settle for less??? 

So, it is your chance to be smart about all of this and to assure you are following some excellent routine AND that you are at the optimum weight, blood pressure, and blood sugar balance - settle for nothing less!


I now use a vegan physician's assistant (paid for out of pocket) to point out (and try out) what to do.

Under my health organization, 15 minutes with a GP just diesn't cut it!!!!

Shopping list

See a version of a simple shopping list of items in Making Good Nutrition Easy, So That You'll Do It!.

Weight management

To "adjust" weight: Intermittent, Reduced Calories Two Days A Week - Easy, But They Call It A Diet....  But nowadays if I simply do minimual indulgences, I can lose a lb a week, with no struggle. 



a.m, 1 p.m. Multivit
5,000 iu D3
3 1,000 mg omega 3

The rest are in a box at the bottom of this page.

Exercise regimen

30 min./day aerobic, treadmill (at home, see Making Exercise Easy)

2 hour classes guided strengthening/mild-aerobic (gym is 2 blocks away, included in home association dues)

Sleep routines

Very consistent bed time (10:30) and arise times, using sleep mask to block out light, good mattress, and special pillow.

No water or food after 7:30 pm. (occasional exceptions)

Online for in-depth

Dr. Greger  
Dr. Mercola 
Dr. Hyman
Dr. Dean Ornish
Dr. Neal Barnard (esp. for psychological health) - Videos (free)

All are slim, very healthy, mentally sound, and courageous in the light of BS flak.  All have videos on YouTube.

The "next level"

Consider BioHacking.

Total prep time:  About 20 minutes/day (mostly the smoothie)

Most of key nutrients are assured in the smoothie mix!


This is very easy for me AND it is very doable and very reliably done, without any self control struggles or bad choices (slipups).


Jam packed nutrition green smoothie - See instructions, in box.

A bowl of raw rolled oats, with almond or coconut "milk", flavored with blueberries (frozen). As desired. "Eat only pure grains in a bowl."

An avocado, virtually every day.  Mild bit of sea salt.

Non-salted almonds.

Hardboiled organic eggs - Erratically, supposed to limit to 3 or so times/week, but 7 may be ok.

Up to a palmfull equivalent of meat or fish per day, but tend toward 3 or fewer days, as recommended by nutritionist (who is a vegan).  See the comments box on fish/meat I eat.  (Also, it is a good snack for me.

Madras Lentils preparation (Costco).  1 min.  (Occasionally)

Premier Protein (with shaved ice) - Occasionally (Costco)

Do not eat any processed, refined foods.  No milk, cheese, dairy.  Only coconut oil (no processed or omega 6 heavy oils).


Most often: 1/6 of a Low Sugar Detour Bar, which has a low glycemic effect.  About 30 calories, though sometimes I might eat two (which still will not spike my sugar), usually eaten with about 10 non-salted almonds.

"Air popped" non-GMO, organize popcorn (in large containers from Amazon) in a 12-cup popcorn microwave container with lid (thru Amazon).  Only when watching movies...

Medium size Light Mocha Frappucino (about 160 calories).
Recipe, instructions for green smoothie

Using 80+ oz. blender (Ninja is good, not too costly), put in as much kale and spinach (with about 24-30 oz of water) quickly blending it (don't pack too tightly or it will stay in place above the blades) down to a chopped up liquid point.  About 12 - 16 oz. fit in.  I add in preferable fresh (sometimes frozen) vegetable medley, premixed in a bag.  Then one banana, one apple, and a couple of ounces of frozen mixed berries.  Plus 2-3 tsps of flax seed or chia seeds.  (Sometimes I add a scoop or two of non-whey protein and/or a scoop of powdered balanced meal item.)   It spread over through lunch, but I make it the night before during my lesser power times.  Occasionaly I'll remember to sprinkle of some Turmeric powder.

Fish/meat I eat and how they are "prepared"

Instead of cooking salmon conventionally, I use the not-as-good-for-you frozen salmon patties, zapped for 3 minutes in the microwave.  Sometimes, I eat the non-nitrite pure no additives turkey slices or the prepacked chicken pack at Costco. 

Most are from Swanson Vitamins, online


a.m,, 1 p.m. Multivitamin
5,000 iu D3
3 1,000 mg omega 3
Vitamin B complex (a.m.)


L-Tyrosine (dopamine predecessor) - Adjust to "effective dose" where you can feel the difference)
Seaweed pill

Nighttime before bed

Heaping tsp Calm calcium magnesium powder (in small amount of water.

Don't do any of these without physician approval!