__ You preschedule the time, standard week(2)
__You NEVER do anything else but deep work during the scheduled time for it(1)
__ Never go forth without taking a moment to devise a smart plan.
__ Desk is cleared of all other things.
__ Close the internet on your computer
__ A do not disturb sign is hung on the door knob, and the door is closed.
__ The phone is not answered(3)
__ Continue on the project until finished; no jumping between horses
__ Stop at the end of your scheduled time.
__ Hold yourself accountable for "lead" (not just lag) measures, graphed or compelling shown. Write out what led to bad performance and figure out specific actions to ensure good performance.
__ Avoid lots of (seemingly harmless) small obligations and any big time consuming ones!
__ Schedule idleness, and strictly adhere to the time and allowing no work into it.
__ Each period is wrapped up completely at the end, all reviewed, notes for continuing, scheduled followup.
(1) except of course true emergencies, and somebody else coming into your office is NOT an emergency, it is an outside imposed demand which you will NOT accept.
(2) If there is an unavoidable interruption, you will reschedule the time.
(3) There should not be many exceptions.