CPAP Maintenance Procedure
__ Empty humidifier tank every morning
__ Fill 1/2 way up every night
(Trigger is the red narrow necked bottle containing the distilled
water - to pour water through tank opening easier, spill-freee)
__ Use only distilled water!
Keep large distilled water bottle in laundry room,
with small funnel over it, to pour into small necked bottle.
Can wash water tank unit in top shelf of dishwasher.
__ Replace mask nose seal device and filter every 6 months, call Apria refill line 1-800-731-3408. (Replace hose if needed.)
Rx is good for only a year, so call for new one at 916-973-6490, but try to avoid appt. and just talk to a tech who could save a trip with phone appt.
__ Tickled
Mask seal, filter, hose can be replaced every three months, no less, except seal can be every month.
Filter is in the squishy sponge in the back of the pressure machine.
Clean mask and filter at the same time
__ Tickled to do it every month
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Break down - Call 1-877-317-6230