Having a great life starts with committing truly, for it serves as the foundational basis for moving forward in life.  See Commitment - An Essential Ingredient To Succeeding.

Put these behind a tab in your reminders notebook: "my commitments".

Which are you missing?

Do this: Decide and write out your commitments and pledges in life!

Then: (Don't stop there!)  Select one or two or put on a rotating basis to read every day for at least 28 days, or until fully installed.  (You can copy from the site page and paste it into your own word processing or notes device, to use as is or to modify as you wish.  What I did was copy and paste them into a Google doc and use the title of each as a linked heading into a table of contents so that I could choose which pledge to use, but have one single document page to go to, by searching "pledges".  I also, right below the table of contents, inserted links to other pages I might wish to refer to.  Reading one or two of these outloud to Launch My Day added inspiration and direction to my day. )

(There are more, so enter "commitment" or "agreement" or "pledge" and the subject area where you want to find these. Also relevant is The Power Of Intention, noting that intentions for the day are quite useful in setting up the day to be as you wish it to be.)


The Pledge For Life And Self-Care (at the bottom of that piece)

Taking A Stand For Your Life 

The Life Value Productivity Decision And Pledge - An Essential Step To Living One's Greatest Life 

My Complete Commitment To Completing "The Process", in Commitment Or No Commitment To Completing "The Process" To Create Guaranteed Happiness.

My Commitment To Creating And Having A Very Healthy, Powerful Way Of Living (enter in search engine to get the document)

Keith's pledge:  "This is my pledge, this is who I am, this is the value I promise to create in this world", in I Could Be A Hero, Too  (enter in search engine to get the document)


The self control pledge in Self Control - The Means To A Great And Happy Life - See the bottom of the document. 

My Commitment To Correcting My Beliefs

The Integrity Pledge, in The Integrity Factor


My Pledge To Stay In High Functioning And Power, in The Cost Of Not Staying In High Functioning And Power - It's Too High Of A Cost To Allow This To Happen.

My Commitments To Impeccable, Powerful Languaging, in Powerful Languaging - More Impact Than You Would Normally Think.

The Pledge To Not Allowing Negative Thinking Nor Negative Conversation Into My Life, in Dealing With Negative Thinking In The Moment - What To Do When You're In The Cycle.

My Pledge To Not Repeat My Story For The Next 90 Days, in Aggressively Engaging In The Beliefs Processes And Going To Completion.  Write up your own pledge "to not stop, to complete my beliefs process to correct and install new powerful beliefs".  My pledge to stop a bad habit and to do whatever is necessary, an example,  in The Struggle With 'Comfort'/'Escape' Vs. Self-Control.

The Pledge To Stop "Being Right", in Being Right - One Of The Highest Costs In Life 

My Commitment To Honoring Myself Through Proper Languaging and My Commitment To Not Honor Illusions, in Proper And Proportionate Response - Avoiding Unnecessarily Stressing The System

My Absolute Commitment To Prioritize Balance And Peace And To Maintain A High State Of Resourcefulness, in Rx For Stress - Do It Or Else! 

Commitment To Keeping My Mind Quiet and My Commitment To Complete What Needs To Be Completed and My Commitment So Setting These Rules and I Commit To Not Doing These Harming Behaviors and I Commit To These Actions That Increase Awareness And The Ability To Harvest, in Key Thoughts And Behaviors To Choose To Attain Personal Happiness And Peace - Stage I (enter in search engine 'key thoughts and behaviors')


The Coachee Pledge, in The Planning And Progress Engagement Requirements To Make The Coaching Work.


The Commitment To Peace And Happiness (enter in search engine to get the document)

The Commitment To Stress Management (enter in search engine to get the document)

My Commitment To End Worry, in Worry - What We Do, Needlessly, As A Result Of Anxiety.

My Commitment To Stop My Powerlessness Syndrome, in I Am Powerless.

My Pledge To Never Consider Failure As An Option, in Intelligent Optimism.

My Pledge To Never Criticize Myself, in Labeling, As A Complaint - And The Senselessness Of It!

My Commitment To Give Up Vengence And/Or Getting Even, in Vengeance, Getting Even - A Preposterous, Child-Level-Thinking Strategy.


My Pledge To Eliminate What Has No Real Payoff, in My Circle Of Concern, in My Circle Of Concern - Cleaning It Up And Cleaning It Out.

My Pledge To Give It My Best To Use My Higher Brain For The Day, in The Struggle Of Behaviors Between The Higher And Lower Brains.

The One-Minute Power Break Commitment - Injecting One-Minute's Every Chance I Get

Live a committed life that is designed and caused by you! A passive "if" life is a life of dependency on others and on circumstances, a life where doubt and anxiety and unhappiness and frustration predominate.

Just don't tolerate that!!!!!!!!

When I fail to...

When I Fail On A Commitment, It Is Time To Reconnoiter And Figure Out What Will Work! 


The Power Of True, Absolute Intention - Creating Effective Intending And The Power Of It

In relationships

Agreements, Commitments And Rules In Relationships