Success is getting the most value out of life

When a person is "busy" most of the time, we can be certain that he is not managing his time, especially his priorities.  We can be sure he is not doing the high value activities that would then allow him to have lots of spare time.  We can be sure that he is living a relatively mediocre life, far below what it could be. 

The best way to free oneself from the trap is to cut out the bottom 60% of one's activities, after which one will have lots of spare time AND produce alot more value in life, at the same time!!!!!!!!

If you do not free yourself from this self-set prison, you cannot possibly (without a miracle) achieve life success.  You might, with alot of unnecessary suffering and wasted effort, achieve success in one area by focusing your efforts all in that one area, but at the expense of being unskillful and unsuccessful in the other areas of life - clearly that is one of the classical tragedies in life! 

Indeed, one cannot have it all, but one can, for sure, have all that is vital and important in life such that life is great.  Busyness or "doing more" (more activities/actions) is the trap, the prison, the wrong way.  

Will you recognize what is wrong with this picture:  "Too busy to have a great life."  And then do something about it???


While you must complete all the key actions to get unbusy, the first one is determining which activities are high and which are low value - and then cut out the bottom 60% of activities.  (The initial action would result in something that looks like this:  My Low And High Payoff Activities - And Reallocating My Time To The Higher Ones.)

The keystone practice for time management starts at the basics of listing all high value actions by priority and then allocating them to the exact block of time in one's day - which is doing the opposite of letting one's time be used wily nily, with no rationality or reason.  (If you are busy all the time, you are being a passive reacter/victim in life!!!!!!!  You are not taking charge of your life, so you are not having a good life, at least not one that is even close to the greatest life!!!!!)

Unless you are "too busy", of course, you should read each and every article and book in the sidebar, reading the articles right away and then buying and scheduling the books to read fairly soon!!!!!


I will likely add more to this, but at this point methinks that you can "get the idea" and take the actions that will start you on the path (following the links) of actively taking charge of your life!

The effects

The person who is too busy not only schedules in too many activities but also spends alot of unproductive time fighting fires instead of prevenint them: A Life Of Fire Fighting And Whac-A-Mole - Not A Great Life!   

Activities to schedule

People with the value mindset would follow this strategy:  Quadrant II Activities To Schedule In Regularly.

The mindsets

The Value/Results Mindset Versus The Busy Mindset

The Fixed Mindset Versus The Growth Mindset - Defending or learning?  

The Life Wisdom Mindset - Choose to make the One Decision that will determine all of your life.


Learn, get yourself out of this syndrome that leads only to Hell or related places!

CrazyBusy: Overstretched, Overbooked, And About To Snap!  Strategies For Handling Your Fast-Paced Life, Edward Hallowell, M.D.

Must reading also is:

The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey - Where the "too busy" person can see he is not applying the principles!

And, for almost everyone:  First Things First, Stephen Covey - One of the biggest life impact books ever written