In process, use search engine for links to items in the sidebar

Whether you want to get more and more rich quicker or just to have life get better much quicker, you want to take advantage of exponential growth strategies.  We could say that the growth from compounding is the same as exponential growth, and that would be fine, but I am talking here of the compounding of compounding.  Exponential growth is more than simple compounding in that it grows faster because of more items affecting it. 

The exponent of a number says how many times to use that number in a multiplication of itself times itself.  Two to the second power = 2 x 2 (4 in total), two to the third power = 2 x 2 x 2 (8 in total), two to the fourth power = 16, two to the fifth power = 32.  Notice that although we've gone up 5 powers in total the total is 16 times as big.

The amount of information in existence doubles every (about) 18 months (Moore's Law), so that after 36 months, it is, over twice the time, four times larger. 

Starting with $1 of wealth:

A (1.05) x B (1.06) x C (1.04 x D (1.20) = 1.27

Mark Zuckerberg grew his wealth "exponentially", from having $1 to being a multibillionaire.  To do that he had to have some multipliers on his side. 

A massive number of people that could use it.
It grew by people referring other people at a faster and faster rate (for while)
Tailoring it so it is better and better (with each improvement being multiplied by a massive number of users)
Adding in more and more revenue producers per user

(of an increase) becoming more and more rapid.
"the social security budget was rising at an exponential rate"

Sometimes "synergy" will cause exponential growth.


Say that I am pretty good at learning but have not really worked at improving it.  What might the payoffs be?

If I read twice as many hours, I could learn twice as much as better, ending up at 2X.

If I read the best books to learn from relatiive to my life, I could improve the net benefit of learning probably realistically by 5X.  (I must of course assure that I am screening the books much better and choosing not even to read the mid-value books as those would get in the way of my reading a high-value book!)

My net value from learning is now 10X of what it used to be.  I devoted twice the time, but I gained 10X the benefits, because I multiplied the time times a greater "productivity" factor.

Better methods of learning             


I had done this initially, but no one would believe this...

                                                   possible for each
Use poor methods of learning.              10X
Read poorly                                        10X
Read more often                                  10X
Read randomly whatever comes up       20X
The quality of information is poor.         30X
It is not explained well.                           5X

  Total increase in learning           3,00,000X

Exponential Mindset

Leverage Mindset

The Principle Of Leverage To Magnify The Gains, After, Of Course, The Costs 


The Compound Effect - Jumpstart Your Income, Your Life, Your Success, Darren Hardy

exponential gains without higher risk!

In the 1950's a computer with        took up a whole room, now we can have     the computing power in a samrtphone