Why is Paramhansa happy...all the time?
Let's explore why, perhaps with deeper understanding (or at least a view that might illuminate this).
Let's unravel this and put it together in another way that might make sense and better illuminate what is going on and what is true. (The quotes are from the book: How To Be Happy All The Time - Paramhansa Yogananda.)
"If you retain the joy and thrill of meditation [being connected to "good"] during the entire day, you are still meditating. You are then unattached to the senses."
This means you are not a prisoner of impulses, primitive mini-signals, and primitive thoughts of danger, lack or discomfort. Also, followers are not attached to the results of what they are attempting to do, for their well-being is not dependent on filling a "lack" since they are filled with appreciation of what is so (and the like).
"Always affirm [repeat, imprint] with intelligence and devotions until your thought goes consciously through the subconscious mind into the superconscious mind. The greatest healing you should pray for is the healing of your ignorance, so that you will never go back to your old [bad results] life."
"Doing an affirmation, one should both say and feel deeply the meaning of the thought behind the words [of truth]; then the thought will go deeply into the conscious mind, then into the subconscious [:memory"], and then into the superconscious. When it registers in the superconsciousness, it manifests."
The superconscious is above (super, overarching) the conscious, for it will automatically bring up what is needed and then use it. This is akin to being, in this regard anyway, "unconsciously competent", which is beyond competent.
The idea here is to do your "practice" to the point where "good, healthy thinking, appreciation, and acceptance" automatically occur and are part of your ongoing background conversation. For happiness, one must have a highly happy background talk going on as a consistent context for life.
"If one loses a diamond and tries to satisfy himself with little pieces of broken glass, shining with sunlight, he is bound to be disillusioned [once he realizes they are but glass]." "He is seeking in the wrong place and can never be happy until he seeks in the right place and finds a diamond. In the same way, the soul [primitive, unthinking mind] tries to find its happiness in the momentarily glittering sense-pleasures, but when it has enough of sense-happiness it become disgusted [or feels empty] and tries to find peace and joy in the soul [Higher Self in this case]."
Please read the text box on the right, above.
You have a life changing, incredibly significant decision to make. It will determine if you will live a so-so life or a great life that is incomparable to the other choice.
Please make it well.
And now is the moment to make it.
[When you decide to "go for it" and live into it, please let me know, if you will: Contact.
I have happily given feedback and guidance to those who have requested it.]
The book is a worthwhile read (though in reading it I convert some of the words, to such as "Higher Self", etc.): How To Be Happy All The Time - Paramhansa Yogananda.)