The book:  The Power Of Full Engagement - Managing Energy, not Time, Is The Key To High Performance And Personal Power., by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz

While I am setting this reference up for myself, to draw from in my life and in my writing, I thought I would make it available to you, for your overview AND to help you decide to buy and use this book. (I also make notes in Word, as a summary for myself, with a table of contents and links to each section so that I can see its contents overall.

Consider this my review of the book.

There are lots of "case studies", from which you can gain valuable insights and actions to take.

Useful charts, diagrams:

The Dynamics Of Energy (quadrants of passivity of emotions and power of emotions) - "Full engagement requires drawing on four separate but related sources of energy: physical [good for my body], emotional [good for how I feel], mental [good thinking] and spiritual [what's right]". [ The bracketed items are mine.] p. 10, in my book

The Hunger Scale (p. 51)

Plan for overcoming a performance barrier, to achieve a desired outcome and positively effect a "targeted muscle", with the ritual and action steps - these are boxes where they identify what to do in lots of specific cases (format, p. 53)

The Link Between Exercise Exposure And Performance info box - Answers the key question of "how much".

Deepest Values Checklist, p.142

Confronting The Costs And Benefits (of Expedient Adaptation, beliefs, viewpoints), p. 154

Common Performance Barriers listing, p 159 - Which do you have?? And will you set up a plan to cure them?

Summary Of The Corporate Athlete Full-Engagement Training System, p. 197

Sustained High Performance In The Storm (kind of a pyramid built to achieve the highest level, different in its content and context, a bit, from Coach John Wooden's Pyramid Of Success (see my page on him), p. 202 - An adequate reason to buy the book, as it is an outline of all you need to achieve/do to arrive at the top of life.

Organizational Energy Dynamics, p. 203 - A review of summary statements of truth...

Most Important Physical Energy Management Strategies, p. 205

Glycemic Index Examples, p. 206

Worksheets: (Worth the purchase of the book.)

Personal Development Plan (blanks plus filled in examples)

Vision Worksheet, p 208
Barriers Worksheet, p. 210
Action & Development Plan For Full Engagement
  Ritual-Building Strategy worksheet, p. 212
Accountability Log, p. 216

A few notes

We must "balance energy expenditure with intermittent energy renewal."  Relates to The Homeostatic Power Zone.  The simple idea is to "spend —> recover —> spend —> recover... and to never operate with a low power tank!!!!

"Positive energy rituals - highly specify routines for managing energy - as the key to full engagement and sustained high performance.

Identify what really matters...from being a good person to ...identifying "what I should be doing differently", and then designing it and doing it!!!!


Do a full press in Quadrant II (high impact/importance) after listing and prioritizing the actions or problems or achievements you spot in this book (and/or on your own).  Then use the worksheets to overcome the barriers, establish the routines, determine the actions that will lead you to what you want and/or want to solve.

This will take "some time", but it will be the highest impact of anything you do in the next few months.  I would recommend that you have a pace of no less than 5 hours a week on this, but preferably 10+ hours.  It's worth it!  It's priceless overall!!!


The cited poem of psychiatrist R. D. Laing (books):

"The range of what we think and do
Is limited by what we fail to notice
And because we fail to notice
That we fail to notice
There is little we can do
To change
Until we notice
How failing to notice
Shapes our thoughts and deeds."

This is pretty much what this site is all about.  You can use this site for ideas of what to do in specific instances, from specific beliefs to issues to unwanted conditions - just go to the Detailed Site Overview Map - Everywhere To Go To, From This One Page      - find the area (for exploration) or simpley enter them in the search engine.on that page.